How to Manage, Batch, and Automate Your Content Like the PROS in 2023

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Content management

What the heck is content marketing?

If you're a business owner or marketer, you've probably heard the term ‘content marketing’ being thrown around a lot lately. But what is it, exactly?

Content marketing is a strategy that involves creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

In other words, it's all about creating and sharing content that resonates with your target audience, in order to build trust and establish your brand as a go-to resource in your industry.

In even simpler terms, content marketing done right will:
→   establish your credibility in your industry
→   bring in high quality leads and consistent sales
→   create a loyal following of engaged customers who advocate for your brand

In this article, we’ll talk about different ways to approach this practice that will bring your business success! Even if you have no idea where to start—just keep reading to find out how you can batch and automate content like the pros.

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Why it might be perfect for your business

Whether you’re an established business or you’re just starting out, you should already know that you need a social media presence. It’s better to have a website for your brand, and even better if you have an app.

Don’t take on too much to start and overwhelm yourself, but regardless of where you’re at—you’ll need to have some type of content.

This can come in the form of things like posts on various social media channels, or blogs, vlogs, and even podcasts. Don’t forget, you’ll need to create content that also promotes whatever products, services, or anything else your business offers!

Content marketing is an incredibly effective way to:

→   Build brand awareness and authority

→   Drive traffic to your website

→   Generate leads and sales

→   Educate and inform your audience

→   Build relationships with your customers

Whether your biz sells to other businesses (B2B) or to individual customers (B2C), content marketing can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your marketing and sales goals.


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Different ways to get it done

There are many different types of content that you can create and share as part of your content marketing strategy. Here are just a few examples:

→   Blog posts
→   Videos
→   Infographics
→   Podcasts
→   Ebooks
→   Webinars
→   Case studies
→   Whitepapers
→   Social media posts

The key is to choose the types of content that resonate with your audience and help you achieve your specific marketing goals.

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Don’t freak out, you can actually do this

If you're new to content marketing, it can feel overwhelming at first. But the truth is, anyone can do it — even if you don't have a background in marketing or writing.

The key is to start small and build from there. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

→   Define your audience: Who are you trying to reach, and what are their pain points and needs?

→   Develop a content plan: What types of content will you create, and how often will you publish them?

  Create high-quality content: Make sure your content is valuable, informative, and engaging.

  Promote your content: Share your content on social media, in email newsletters, and on other relevant platforms to get it in front of your target audience.

Now, don’t let that overwhelm you!
Because here are 3 industry secrets that will make your life as a content marketer 100x easier

Content management

Industry secret #1: Use content pillars!

It’s extremely useful to use the principle of content pillars to maximize your content marketing strategy.

This usually means three to five topics your brand will consistently discuss, focus on, and create content for on social media.

Here are four great example content pillars for any brand:

1.   Educate: These posts aim to provide valuable information, insights, and expertise to your audience. They often take the form of how-to guides, tutorials, or informative articles that help your audience solve problems or learn something new within your niche or industry.

2.   Entertain: Entertaining posts are designed to captivate and amuse your audience. They might include humor, storytelling, memes, or creative content that engages and resonates emotionally with your audience, making your brand more relatable and memorable.

3.   Inspire:  Inspirational posts are meant to motivate and uplift your audience. They often feature success stories, personal anecdotes, or quotes that encourage your audience to pursue their goals, embrace positivity, or overcome challenges, aligning your brand with their aspirations.

4.   Convert: Conversion-focused posts are designed to drive specific actions from your audience, such as signing up for a newsletter, downloading a resource, or making a purchase. They typically include strong calls to action (CTAs), compelling offers, and clear benefits to encourage conversions and move your audience further along the sales funnel.

Think of them as content categories or content “buckets”, the topics that form the foundation of what you'll post. Rotate your content pillars when posting. That way you build a relationship with your followers, and you don’t bombard them with “salesy” promotional posts.

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Industry secret #2: Batch & Repurpose.

In the realm of content marketing, the seasoned pros and industry leaders have an ace up their sleeves: the power of repurposing and bulk batching.

They've learned that the key to efficiency lies not in constantly creating new content from scratch, but in the art of making one piece of content work incredibly hard for them.

Say you craft a comprehensive, longform piece—like a blog or vlog post or a podcast episode. Now, instead of letting it fade into obscurity, you strategically break it down into smaller, digestible nuggets of info. These can take the form of engaging social media posts, eye-catching infographics, informative email newsletters, or even insightful video snippets.


Now you’ve just turned the YouTube video you worked so hard on into TEN pieces of great content that you’ll be posting across Instagram and Facebook! Then you took those minute-long posts and broke them down even further into bite-sized micro content—perfect for TikTok, Reels, and Twitter…

But why stop there?

Take the topics you spoke about in the video and put them in a list on a quick silent video, so people can save and screenshot. Or turn your video snippets into a series, so people come back to your page for more!

By doing this, you're not just maximizing the value of your original content; you're also making your life as a content creator significantly easier. No more staring at a blank screen, struggling for fresh ideas day in and day out. Instead, you're leveraging your existing content as a wellspring of inspiration.

PRO TIP: To have endless ideas for content…


Say your topic is makeup. If we use the content pillars we talked about earlier, your first longform piece of content should be an educational post about makeup. Then your next longform post would be an entertaining piece about makeup. Then an inspirational post, then a post about a product or service you’re promoting.

You can do this for literally any topic, big or small.

It’s even great to further expand on previous topics that got a lot of engagement! Pair that with breaking down and repurposing your longform content—and you will literally never run out of ideas!


When you finally understand the power of repurposing, it becomes pretty obvious why it makes sense to batch your content all at once.

But if that isn’t reason enough, you will see why it’s necessary when we get into the next section about scheduling and automating your posts. If you could schedule ahead all of your content for a week, or even a month, in the matter of days… then use software to automate all of your posts for that time, you wouldn’t have to worry about social media for as long as you batched for!

Now you can see how those social media managers you see on TikTok live such glamorous and carefree lives, all while taking on multiple clients. And now, I bet you see how content marketing is totally possible, even for a newbie.

In the next snippet, we'll dive deeper into the world of automation and scheduling, which is the bread to the butter of batching and repurposing. So, let's continue our journey into the methods that industry leaders use to make their content shine.

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Industry secret #3: Automate everything!

The secret sauce for every pro content marketer… is that they AUTOMATE EVERYTHING!

IF you want to do it like a professional, scheduling and automating your content is non-negotiable. There are tons of different options when it comes to choosing a social media scheduler, and all of them are slightly different. When picking one, start by listing out all the different social media channels you want to post on. 

Also, keep in mind that certain platforms already have a free scheduler built in. This is true for Meta, which schedules Facebook and Instagram for free. I still like to schedule my posts for these on my chosen scheduler, though, because it’s easier to repurpose all my posts in one place.

Later and Planoly are great options if you predominantly use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. They’re both about average pricing and are easy to use.

I love Sendible, because it schedules all of the above mentioned, plus Google My Business and LinkedIn. Later and Planoly can also do LinkedIn, but only for a personal account and not for a business page. Sendible is by far my favorite, and in my opinion beautifully set up and the easiest to figure out.

I currently use HelloWoofy because it works with all the same platforms I was scheduling on Sendible, at a lower price. I got in on a half-price promotion, and really love it so far. And although it’s not quite as easy to use as Sendible, the difference isn’t really that noticeable.

If you can fit it in your budget, I do also recommend Hootsuite or HubSpot. They both definitely have everything you’d ever need, but Hootsuite is more user-friendly. I’d only recommend HubSpot if you have someone a little more technical on your team. HubSpot’s setup does take some getting used to, but if you also use it for your website’s CRM and marketing workflows—everything will work together beautifully, all in one place.

If you have a more established or advanced knowledge of e-commerce, analytics, CRM, and digital marketing—plus a hefty budget—HubSpot would be the way to go if you never want to lose even the tiniest data point.

Slow and steady wins the race

Remember, content marketing is a long game.

It won’t bring overnight success, but this strategy will help you build real relationships and establish a strong foundation for your brand over time.

So, be patient and stay the course!

With time and effort, you can create a content marketing strategy that helps you achieve your marketing goals and reliably grows your business.


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Bonus! Use AI.

The beauty of online business in the Information Age comes in the form of help from AI-powered software!

Here are just a few ways to leverage the power of AI to make your content marketing journey worlds easier:

→   Content Generation: Explore how AI tools can generate content ideas, headlines, and even entire articles based on your input or specific keywords.

  Grammar and Style: AI-powered grammar and style checkers can help ensure your content is error-free and adheres to your preferred writing style.

→   Keyword Research: AI can assist in identifying relevant keywords and trends, helping you optimize your content for search engines.

  Content Optimization: Discover how AI algorithms can analyze your content's performance and suggest improvements to boost engagement and conversions.

  Personalization: Learn how AI can create personalized content for different audience segments, increasing user engagement and conversion rates.

  Chatbots and Customer Support: Explore the use of AI-driven chatbots for real-time customer support and engagement on your website or social media channels.

  Predictive Analytics: Utilize AI to predict future content trends and user behaviors, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve.

  Content Distribution: AI can help automate content distribution by identifying the best times to post, sharing content on various platforms, and even responding to comments.

→   Data Analysis: AI tools can analyze user data to gain insights into what types of content resonate most with your audience, helping you refine your content strategy.

  Content Translation: Expand your reach by using AI to translate content into multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience.

  Content Curation: Explore AI-driven content curation tools that can help you discover and share relevant content from various sources within your niche.

→   Content Enhancement: Learn how AI can enhance your content with multimedia elements, such as images, videos, and infographics, to increase engagement.

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Happy creating!

In conclusion, content marketing done right is a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. By creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content, you can attract and retain your target audience, build relationships, and ultimately drive profitable customer action.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go get creating 🙂

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How to Manage, Batch, and Automate Your Content Like the Pros in 2023


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As I’m sure you might know already, starting and maintaining a successful business—more than anything—is a complicated journey full of reroutes, twists, and turns. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for being a part of this wild journey with me… the most important part! <3

Stay hungry, my friends. 🍟 





Coco Le Van online business coach
An ex starving artist and 13-year-bartender who finally decided to take a huge leap of faith, she opened her first business in 2020. Through a series of false-starts and what some would call failures, Coco learned how to finally get it right, and now coaches other business owners and hopeful entrepreneurs in the vast world of online business.

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